Terms and Conditions

The content of these pages and the services provided by the Centre for Excellence in Rail Training Pty Ltd (CERT) is provided for current and prospective client use, subject to the terms and conditions set out below.
These terms and conditions apply to all CERT products and services. By these, through whatever platform and/or by completing an enrolment, individuals acknowledge to have read, understood and agreed to the terms and conditions set out below.
CERT reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions and the products and services provided from time to time. All amendments, modifications and changes to CERT’s Terms and Conditions, products and services will be published with the details and effects of same made clear.
Should a client object to any provision of CERT’s Terms and Conditions or subsequent modifications or be dissatisfied with CERT’s products and services, avenues for progressing such concerns are available through CERT’s Quality Management System.
By accepting these terms and conditions, individuals declare their understanding that:
- The information they provide must be true and correct
- Consequences may arise from providing false, misleading or incomplete information, including termination of services or the withdrawal of any offer made by CERT
- They understand CERT is required to submit data sourced through its records of service to relevant authorities as a regulatory requirement
- CERT will retain and may use information collected during its provision of services. including release of such information to the following recognised third parties for administrative, regulatory and/or research purposes:
- Schools – for school based apprentices/trainees or VET in Schools students;
- Employers – where training is funded by employers or where results are required for employment purposes; and
- Government departments, agencies and authorised regulatory bodies.
- CERT may require permission to generate a Unique Student Identifier for relevant clients with evidence checked against relevant government databases
- They agree to abide by all policies, procedures and directions issued by CERT and its representatives
CERT may terminate or suspend access to services immediately, without prior notice or liability, for any reason whatsoever, including without limitation, a breach of CERT’s Terms and Conditions. All decisions will be taken in consideration of all circumstances with natural justice applied.