TAS Courses
CERT Training is an accredited rail training supplier for all major interstate rail network operators. We offer site based, in-house and off-site training tailored to your needs.

Get Your Spark Back!
Highly skilled rail welding trainers are available to train your staff.
Safely Access the Rail Corridor (SARC)
Gain the skills required to Safely Access the Rail Corridor on the South Australian Rail Networks
TLIF0008 Apply safety critical communications in the rail environment
Gain the skills and knowledge required to apply effective safety critical communications and is also considered best practice for general communications in the rail environment.
TLIF2010 Apply fatigue management strategies
Gain the skills and knowledge required to apply fatigue management strategies within the transport and logistics industry.
Managing Assets in Rail
The Managing Assets in Rail Course is ideal for anyone who is currently employed in, or aspires to obtain, a leadership position in asset management. The Rail Asset Management Course is a comprehensive program designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge to excel in managing rail assets.
Safely Access the Rail Corridor (SARC)
Gain the skills required to Safely Access the Rail Corridor
Rail Labourer – WA Core Units
Our Rail Labourer course is a general qualification for personnel engaged in basic operations within the rail infrastructure environment who undertake a range of tasks involving known routines and procedures.
TLISS00224 Rail Operations Fundamentals Skill Set
The Rail Operations Fundamentals Skill Set will provide you with a pathway to the Certificate IV in Train Driving.
V/Line Handsignaller 2.2 Re-certification
This course is intended for people needing to recertify their V/Line Handsignaller 2.2 Currency
V/Line Track Force Protection Coordinator 3.2 Re-certification
This course is intended for people needing to re-certify their V/Line Track Force Protection Coordinator 3.2 Currency.
Rail Labourer – Core Units SA (previously Rail Infrastructure – core units)
Our Rail Labourer course is a general qualification for personnel engaged in basic operations within the rail infrastructure environment who undertake a range of tasks involving known routines and procedures. This course was previously known as Rail Infrastructure – SA core units
Rail Labourer – Victoria Core Units (previously Rail Infrastructure – core units)
Our Victorian Rail Labourer course is a general qualification for personnel engaged in basic operations within the rail infrastructure environment who undertake a range of tasks involving known routines and procedures. This course was previously known as Rail Infrastructure – Victorian Core Units
V/Line Track Force Protection Coordinator 3.2
This program involves the skills and knowledge required to undertake Track Force Protection Coordinator (TFPC) duties on the Victorian V/Line Network. This program provides instruction suitable for new entrants to the industry in addition to supplementing the current experience of existing workers.
V/Line Handsignaller 2.2
This program involves the skills and knowledge required to undertake Handsignaller duties on the Victorian V/Line Network in accordance with workplace requirements. This program provides instruction suitable for new entrants to the industry in addition to supplementing the current experience of existing workers.
Gain the skills required to Safely Access the Rail Corridor on the Queensland Rail Network.
QR3.15 Working in the Electrified Territory (WET)
This course has been designed for workers who are required to secure a signal at stop or disable a signal route in the field by operating the switching device.
Gain the skills required to Safely Access the Rail Corridor in the Queensland Rail Network. This course has been designed for workers who are required to access the rail corridor as part of their role. It is designed to give learners the skills and knowledge required to safely enter and navigate around the rail corridor and danger zone with the permission of the access provider‚ in accordance with legislative and regulatory requirements.
TLIF2010 Apply Fatigue Management Strategies
Aimed at reducing fatigue related incidents and issues during work activities, this course will equip learners with the skills and knowledge required to identify and act upon the signs of fatigue.
The Apply Fatigue Management Strategies course will cover strategies to minimise fatigue during work activities and when operating equipment in and around the rail corridor.
Category 3 Rail Medical_QLD
The Category 3 Rail Medical is the minimum requirement to work within the Rail Corridor.
TLI27121 – Certificate II in Rail Infrastructure
The Certificate II in Rail Infrastructure program is a general qualification for personnel engaged in basic operations within the rail infrastructure environment who undertake a range of tasks involving known routines and procedures.
TLI27121 Certificate II in Rail Infrastructure – Core Units Only
Our Rail Labourer course is a general qualification for personnel engaged in basic operations within the rail infrastructure environment who undertake a range of tasks involving known routines and procedures. (previously QLD Rail Infrastructure – core units)
Cat 3 Rail Medical – Chullora
The Category 3 Rail Medical is the minimum requirement to work within the Rail Corridor.
Cat 3 Rail Medical – Thornton
The Category 3 Rail Medical is the minimum requirement to work within the Rail Corridor.
TfNSW Accessing the Rail Corridor Induction
Gain the skills required to Safely Access the Rail Corridor (SARC, TFNSW SX52) on the Transport for NSW Rail Network. This course is previously known as Rail Industry Safety Induction or RISI Training.
Rail Labourer – NSW Core Units
Our NSW Rail Labourer – course is a general qualification for personnel engaged in basic operations within the rail infrastructure environment who undertake a range of tasks involving known routines and procedures. (This course was previously known as Rail Infrastructure – NSW core units)
TfNSW Safety Critical Communications
This course is designed to develop and further increase participant’s communication and negotiation skills across the rail industry and improve safety critical communications behaviours.
TfNSW Track Protection Officer Level 1
The Track Protection Officer Level 1 course aims to equip participants with the required knowledge and skills to coordinate and manage track protection in accordance with Safeworking and regulatory requirements and workplace procedures for Lookout working and Absolute Signal Blocking.
TfNSW Track Protection Officer Level 2
The Track Protection Officer Level 2 course aims to equip participants with the required knowledge and skills to coordinate and manage track protection in accordance with Safeworking and regulatory requirements and workplace procedures for Lookout working and Absolute Signal Blocking.
Transdev Light Rail Protection Officer
This program involves the skills and knowledge required to work as a Protection Officer on Sydney Light Rail. As a Light Rail Protection Officer there is a legal, contractual and moral duty of care to uphold general workplace safety principles and adhere to regulations, rules and standards applied to the light rail network.
V/Line Safely Access the Rail Corridor (SARC)
Gain the skills required to Safely Access the Rail Corridor on the Victorian Rail Networks outside of the Metropolitan area of Melbourne.
NT Courses
NT Courses Training is an accredited rail training supplier for all major interstate rail network operators. We offer site based, in-house and off-site training tailored to your needs. NT Courses…
Category 3 Rail Medical
Workers in this category are also known as non-safety critical workers. Often referred to as Around the Track Personnel, these workers are responsible for their own safety and the safety of fellow workers. A medical assessment will check the ability of a worker to walk in the rail corridor, work under supervision and identify and move to a safe place.
VIC Courses
VIC Courses CERT Training is an approved supplier to the VLINE rail network in Victoria. We also provide approved and accredited courses for major interstate rail networks for cross boarder…
NSW Courses
Find the rail training course you need with convenient online booking and exceptional trainers. From RISI (SX52), Track Examiner & Certifier and Track Machine Operator to Safeworking & Infrastructure training courses, CERT Training can provide what you need in rail.