Derailment Investigation and Analysis Workshop

June 13, 2022

a red train car derailed

Investigating a derailment is a complex process. Investigations must be conducted in a structured and thorough manner to correctly identify the causes of derailment and the contributing factors that led to the derailment.

During the course, you will learn how to:

* Investigation processes
* Theories of derailment
* Regulatory requirements
* Derailment report submissions
* The true cost of derailments to an organisation
* Infrastructure derailment triggers
* Operations derailment triggers
* How human factors contributes to derailments
* Track construction maintenance and measurements
* Wheel rail interface issues
* Turnout and yard derailments.

This RISSB endorsed course is delivered by our preferred supplier – CERT Training RTO ID 51333


Attend this course if you need to understand derailment investigation methodologies, rail management and incident reduction strategies, and what should ideally be covered in an investigation report.

The Derailment Investigation and Analysis Workshop will provide course attendees with an understanding of the principles, methods and requirements for investigating derailments, as well as the mechanisms and factors that contribute to derailments.

Upon successful completion of all assessments, participants will receive a Certificate of Achievement.

Face to face non-member rate  $2800 (GST applicable)
Face to face member rate $2100 (GST applicable)

Please secure your place by emailing