No medical requirement for this course

Rail Medical Categories

railroad worker

Category 3 Rail Medical (CAT 3)

A Category 3 Rail Medical, often referred to as a CAT 3 Medical, is an assessment designed to help non-safety critical workers make sure their health and fitness does not impact the rail network. The CAT 3 Medical tests your ability to operate safely in the rail corridor so you can hear instructions, move to a safe place, and maintain an awareness of your surroundings.
» Find out more Category 3 Rail Medical (CAT 3)


No. But you must complete one before going out on track for either work, on-the-job mentoring, or practical assessments; and it must be suitable for the requirements of all the roles you will be working in.

You can book your Cat 3 rail medical as an optional extra when enrolling into your CERT Training course. Alternatively, you can book your Cat 3 rail medical via email: or phone 1300 042 378

For all enquiries and bookings please contact or phone 1300 042 378

Category 1 rail medicals require you to fast prior to your blood test. This requires you to stop eating and drinking (except water) from the night before your test (approx. 12 hours).

Your assessment will often require you to perform a full range of movements including bending, squatting, kneeling, and stretching. It is recommended you wear clothing that allows you to perform these activities comfortably and freely.

Yes. If you have hearing aid/s please ensure these are fully operational for your assessment. Please also bring any glasses, contact lenses or corrective lenses to this appointment.

If you are on prescribed medication, bring your prescription and/or any other documentation, to assist with the Drug and Alcohol screening.

It is not uncommon for workers to be concerned about pre-existing conditions or problems prior to a medical. It is important to be open and honest with your answers to medical history questionnaires – our medical practitioners are there to ensure you don’t place yourself, or others, in a position of harm or at risk during the course of your duties.

If you have pre-existing conditions, please bring along any supporting or additional documentation for your medical assessment. This may include scans, prior medical results, or reports.

CERT Training holds a partnership with Company Medical Services (CMS) who undertake all medicals onsite. CMS have over 30 years of experience in conducting medicals and employ over 50 staff composed of a mix of doctors, nurses, and admin staff. They also have their ISO and NATA certifications. Additional details about CMS can be found here: CMS

Ensure you arrive on time for your appointment and allocate enough time for your assessment – including filling out your medical history form.

It is recommended that you avoid exposure to loud noises, including loud music, in the 16 hours prior to your audiogram (hearing test) so your results will not be impacted.